Level 2 Training..

Published on 26 November 2023 at 11:46

Level 2 Training..

More Training...πŸ€“

Thursday 23rd November: 

Hi guys, Thursday’s session has been very eye-opening in my opinion..🧐

A lot of it was based on Carl Rodger’s person-centred theory and our own personal qualities, very full-on but interesting. I have enjoyed learning more about this Psychologist and the person behind the idea and concept. As well as the self-concept theory, how you see yourself, how others see you and your ideal self. I did not think it would be so difficult to pinpoint these factors of yourself, however, I found the task really important, as a big factor of counselling is also knowing your own emotions, thoughts and feelings, being able to understand them and why you are the way you are. This allows you a counsellor to bracket your emotions for the best interest of your client. 

We also watched parts 1 and 2 of Carl Roger’s counselling session, it was so fascinating to observe and analyse the start of person-centred therapy, as well as see the face behind it.

In this session we also had a tutor-observed Skills session to say I was nervous is an understatement but despite my nerves, the feedback from the tutor was extremely helpful.

I can not believe we are over halfway to the finish line with the CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills. Only a few more sessions until the new year and then it's exam time. It has gone so fast. I have learned a great deal about myself, others and those around me from doing this course and training. One step closer each session to working in my dream profession. I hope you are all well.

Don't forget to follow my Instagram 'AC.Aspringcounsellor' for updates, quotes and all things counselling and psychology related. 

Book: Learning to Counsel (Develop the Skills, Insight and Knowledge to counsel others) by Jan Sutton and William Stewart πŸ“–πŸ«‚

Thursday 30th November: 

Tonight’s session has been my favourite by far, I have come away full of thoughts and feeling accomplished, doing this course was the best decision I have made regarding my studies.

I have learned so much about myself and others around me, it’s interesting to see how much psychology fits into counselling and joins alongside.

In tonight’s session, we have learned about Breathing techniques, the drama triangle, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. and the context behind these. With studying psychology, I knew about Maslow’s theory but it was great to discuss this and our opinions on it further.

Can not believe that this course is not far off ending. Feels like yesterday that I was jumping up and down after being given a place☺️

Thursday 7th December:

Hi guys, this week we have focused on Art therapy and the history behind it, along with more about Transactional analysis and it's founder Eric Berne (1950s). I found the transactional analysis interesting as this is up my street and fits nicely alongside psychology. 

We also learned about the five love languages, which was fascinating. In the session we focused on hitting more skills session criteria as we only have one more session before Christmas and I can not wait for a well deserved break, even though I do not know what to do with my Thursday evenings now... I have found this session interesting, and the Art therapy side of things surprisingly enjoyable, as I myself am not artistic in any way but it was cool to see how it is done and used with all different ages. The house, tree and me technique was my favourite. 🎨

Thursday 14th December: 

Well tonight has been the last session of 2023 and I feel quite sad, I don't know what I am going to do with myself for the next 3 Thursday evenings. In tonights session we have discussed supervisions and why they are important,  when we need them, how often we need them and where we can access them. 

We have also talked more in depth about the BACP Ethical Framework, polices and principles as well as doing a quiz with some exam questions in. Quite a chilled lesson and an early finish tonight also but looking forward to next year and the last few sessions of the course! I hope you are all well. Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year. πŸ’–

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